Payment Plan Application
Payment plans are available to everyone regardless of income or other factors.
Please submit the following form via our website, or submit the printable document to ED Sarah Hanavan at The OCS financial aid team will respond to your request within 5 business days. This request is confidential and will not be shared outside of the financial aid team.
Payment plans are unique to every individual, so expect some communication between yourself and the financial aid team to establish a plan. Information listed in the request form is a starting point and the final payment plan will be agreed upon by both parties.
Financial Aid Cycle
The OCS financial aid cycle follows the Olympia School District schedule. Payment plan requests will remain on file through the beginning of the new OSD school year.
If you wish to enroll in additional programs during the same financial aid cycle, you do not need to submit and additional application unless circumstances have changed. Email ED Sarah Hanavan at to request a new payment plan for an additional program.
A payment plan request does not reserve a space in a program. A space is reserved only after registration has been completed.
Financial assistance participants have the same privileges as a full-paying participant, and are expected to abide by the same policies and rules every participant accepts when using the facility or participating in the programs.